
We welcome our guests at two locations:





Intimate, neighbour-free relaxation is a rare gift. We offer it, because the Bodvány hill, which rises from the floodplain of the Tisza and on which our houses stand, provides a wonderful natural isolation, covered with shady trees. We also have the peculiarity that, although people have discovered the special qualities of this place centuries ago, they have been enriched by their activities. The Csabay Mansion, built in the early 1900s and now renovated, is a building of great architectural value and historical atmosphere. Our classicist style houses are harmoniously united with it, furnished with a modern reinterpretation of comfort and artistic sophistication. These combine to create a special atmosphere that makes us unique and offers our guests an uplifting experience and a pampering relaxation.

The guesthouses are accessible from the main road in 2 minutes on an asphalt road and are only 1.5 km from the village centre, where all the necessary goods and services are available.

The Courtyard

We are the green oasis of the Great Plain. We are surrounded by the living Tisza, the Szikrai Holtág, the Tőzegbánya Lakes and the floodplain Kisrét, so the vegetation is constantly lush. It's not uncommon to see a leaf frog peeking through the window, wild geese flying overhead or a greenfinch "clucking". Depending on the time of year, the panorama from this high ground is also beautiful. In spring, the Tisza river gives the impression of the coast, in winter, you can rest your eyes on an endless white blanket of snow.
Our houses are surrounded by parkland, where you can easily find physical and spiritual harmony on the green lawns, under the trees and under the vineyards. We contribute with a sun lounger, hammock, chair or blanket. We are also a popular location for photo shoots, enriched by a garden fountain, rose bush or bird bath. Our guests can enjoy a garden meal on our seating area under our huge plane tree. We provide space and wood for barbecuing and cooking.
Our wooded area, furnished with elaborate horses, with a folksy atmosphere, is the ideal place for larger groups to meet, organise events and workshops.
Your body and soul can recharge in our hot tub while enjoying the birdsong. For the younger ones, there's a playground and trampoline, but you can also join in with petting zoos, animal feeding and horse riding. This is the place where parents can relax while the kids are active.
We are happy to introduce you to the secrets of environmentally conscious farming: sustainable forestry, grazing livestock. You can see solar panels, ask for boiled soap.
We currently keep horses, sheep and poultry on our farm. Our big favourites are the cats, who are a bit meddlesome but usually keep our guests off their feet. The animals live in isolation, but visitors can also get an insight into this world on request.

The Courtyard

Az Alföld zöld oázisa vagyunk. Mivel az élő Tisza, a Szikrai Holtág, a Tőzegbánya Tavak és az ártéri Kisrét vesz minket körül, nálunk a növényzet folyamatosan üde. Nálunk nem ritkaság, hogy bekukkant az ablakon egy leveli béka, vadludak repülnek felettünk vagy „kikacag” egy zöldküllő. Évszaktól függően a panoráma is gyönyörű erről a magaslatról. Tavasszal a kiáradt Tisza a tengerpart látványát kölcsönzi, télen végtelen fehér hótakarón nyugodhat tekintetünk. Hatalmas platánfánk alatt elhelyezett kiülőnkön vendégeink kerti étkezést tarthatnak. Sütögetéshez, bográcsozáshoz helyet és fát biztosítunk.
Tested és lelked is feltöltődhet jakuzzinkban, miközben a madárcsicsergést élvezed. A kisebbeket játszótér és trambulin csalogatja, de bekapcsolódhatnak állatsimogatásba, állatetetésbe, kipróbálhatják a lovaglást. Ez az a hely, ahol a gyerekek aktív szórakozása közben a szülők is jót pihenhetnek.
Szívesen beavatunk egy környezettudatos gazdálkodás rejtelmeibe: milyen a fenntartható erdőgazdálkodás, legeltető állattartás. Észreveheted a napelemeket, kérhetsz főzött szappant.
Gazdaságunkban jelenleg lovakat, birkákat és baromfiakat tartunk. Nagy kedvenceink a cicák, akik kissé kotnyelesek, de vendégeinket rendszerint leveszik a lábukról. A jószágok elszeparáltan élnek, de kérésre az érdeklődők betekintést nyerhetnek ebbe a világba is.

The Courtyard

Az Alföld zöld oázisa vagyunk. Mivel az élő Tisza, a Szikrai Holtág, a Tőzegbánya Tavak és az ártéri Kisrét vesz minket körül, nálunk a növényzet folyamatosan üde. Hatalmas platánfánk alatt elhelyezett kiülőnkön vendégeink kerti étkezést tarthatnak. Sütögetéshez, bográcsozáshoz helyet és fát biztosítunk.
Tested és lelked is feltöltődhet jakuzzinkban, miközben a madárcsicsergést élvezed. A kisebbeket játszótér és trambulin csalogatja, de bekapcsolódhatnak állatsimogatásba, állatetetésbe, kipróbálhatják a lovaglást.
Szívesen beavatunk egy környezettudatos gazdálkodás rejtelmeibe: milyen a fenntartható erdőgazdálkodás, legeltető állattartás. Észreveheted a napelemeket, kérhetsz főzött szappant.
Gazdaságunkban jelenleg lovakat, birkákat és baromfiakat tartunk.

Our apartments

We offer 5 apartments in our two guest houses.

All are in good condition or have been recently renovated. They have been given a unique identity, but are equally sophisticated and well equipped. In addition to our one family-sized Grande apartment on the ground floor, the other units are upstairs and one-bedroom. At maximum occupancy we can accommodate 24 people.

Grande Apartment

A cosy and warm family home feeling is the hallmark of these suites. The spacious terrace is the perfect place for cosy get-togethers, from where you can step into the hall-dining room, where the green and cream colours of the Korondi tiled stove, the red of the brick floors, the many wooden furniture and the colourful creations of the local artists seem to embody the traditional and orderly world of Hungarian folk tales. A spacious dining table is the centrepiece of the apartment, which with its 70 square metres provides spacious living space for up to six people. A large, comfortable double bed in one of the bedrooms is perfect for sleeping. This bedroom is separated from the living room by a dividing shelf. The other bedroom has two fold-out or fold-flat beds, which can be varied according to the guest's needs.
In our children's room we have placed a bunk bed for the younger ones or those with a youthful spirit. In our living room we have comfortable sofas to spend our time on, and a large and well- equipped kitchen to prepare all kinds of meals. A separate toilet, a bathroom with bathtub and two sinks ensure that you don't have to worry about cleaning. Here you will find what you are looking for, whether you are looking for more space or a larger group or family.

Grande Apartment

A meghitt és meleg családi otthon érzete lengi be ezt a lakosztályt. Hangulatos együttlétek helyszíne lehet a tágas terasz, amiből az előszoba-étkezőbe lépve a korondi cserépkályha zöld-krém színei, a téglapadló vöröse, a sok fabútor és a helyi művészek színes alkotásai mintha a magyar népmesék tradicionális és rendezett világát testesítenék meg. Egy terebélyes étkezőasztal a központja a lakásnak, ami 70 négyzetméterével tágas lakóteret biztosít akár hat fő részére is.

„Scandinavian” apartment

The one bedroom apartment on the first floor is designed to give guests a feeling of freedom and peace, thanks to the subtle Nordic colours, clean, modern décor and comfort. The room has a double bed and 2 single sofa beds. There is a small dining area and kitchen, and a bathroom with shower and toilet.

„Bohemian” apartment

This guest cottage is also located upstairs, with its clean and natural basics spiced up with cheerfulness and energy in pops of orange and ochre. One bedroom has a double bed, a pull-out sofa bed for 1 or 2 people. There is a well-equipped kitchen-dining room and a bathroom with shower and toilet.

„Wildflower” apartment

This apartment is filled with a fresh, feminine energy. Our guests are surrounded by beauty in subtle shades of powder and white. At the dressing table, there is finally time and space to take care of ourselves. What more do you need? Lots and lots of soft comfort! This upstairs apartment offers a bedroom (double bed, pull-out sofa bed for 2), equipped kitchen- dining room and bathroom with shower and toilet in one space.

„Nostalgia” apartment

Our century-old furniture reflects the ripe colours of the earth, taking you back to your roots, to the cradling arms of your ancestors. Who wouldn't long to return to a simpler, cleaner, truer world? We have not overcrowded the furnishings, this environment seeks to effortlessly tune in those who are receptive. And of course, we've done it in a way that meets today's comfort needs to the full. This apartment is also a one-bedroom with a double bed and a pull-out double sofa bed. It has a kitchen- dining room and a bathroom with a shower cabin, toilet.

„Nostalgia” apartment

A föld érett színeit tükrözik vissza százéves bútoraink, visszarepítve az ideérkezőket gyökereinkhez, őseink ringató karjába. Ki ne vágyna vissza egy egyszerűbb, tisztább, igazabb világba? Nem zsúfoltuk túl a berendezést, ez a környezet könnyeden igyekszik áthangolni az erre fogékonyakat. Persze úgy, hogy a mai kényelmi igényeket is maximálisan kielégítsük. Ehhez még becsempésszük a lovak iránti szenvedélyünket, a földművesség értékeinek felmutatását is.

Guesthouse "SZENTLŐRINCPUSZTA MAJOR", Nyárlőrinc

Our newly built guesthouse, called Szentlőrincpuszta Major, is located only 1.5 km from the main road, 19 km from the county seat Kecskemét.

We can accommodate 8 people in 2 bedrooms.

Guests who choose this accommodation can experience the romance of the puszta in modern comfort. It is set in a sandy wilderness, hidden among clusters of oak trees and orchards, with only a few scattered farms in the distant neighbourhood.

The fenced, extensive farmstead is occupied with forestry, ploughing and sheep farming. We have our own fish pond, a small area of woodland for our piglets and a small poultry yard to protect from foxes.

Here, time slows down: it attracts people who want to slow down in a fast-paced world, who want to find themselves in solitude, who want to hear the sound of nature in the rare silence, or who want to enjoy the company of their family and friends in seclusion.

Our brand new guest house, a classicist, porch-fronted farmhouse, has been designed with this in mind. From its spacious terrace you enter a lovely large kitchen-dining room, where the dining table seats up to 12 people, but the capacity can be doubled. Classic and modern blend in harmony. A Korondi tiled stove, period photographs and oil paintings, ceramics decorating the façade, and a modern touch of tradition, while the restrained colour scheme, minimalist furnishings and contemporary wood furniture with a contemporary touch are all modern touches. We strive to provide every comfort and convenience so that guests can take possession of the house as if they were the owners.

We have two bedrooms, one for 3 people (one double bed and one single bed) and the other for 5 people (one bunk bed and three single beds). Both have separate bathrooms with toilet and shower. We can also accommodate guests with horses in our 4 stalls, and the hayloft above, with its service rooms, offers a wild and scenic accommodation.

We are also open to dog owners. Bedding, feeding and kennels are available. And for security, the guest house is also surrounded by a separate fence. Animals can also take a dip in our pond, we offer an excellent place for horse bathing.

Our courtyard offers barbecue and barbeque facilities, and you can observe nature from our hunting lodge. We also welcome families with children, as we provide all the necessary items for the little ones.

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