Local producers

Sándor Boros - Boros Homemade Butcher Products

We offer a wide range of homemade meat products. In addition to traditional products, we are constantly innovating with taste journeys. We process local, natural ingredients. Visit our shop open on Fridays and Saturdays!


Kásáné Tóth Edit - Orsi Cheese House

Taking care of our daughter Orsi at home started me on the path of cow keeping and dairy production. Since then, it has grown into a passion: besides the classic dairy products, I produce all kinds of flavoured cheeses and make cheese plates to the great delight of my customers.


Anna Bar and Patisserie - strudel, pastries

Our patisserie has a long tradition. Our strudel has been declared a local treasure and is in great demand in the surrounding villages. Our cakes are also made according to a unique family recipe. Our constantly renewing range of cakes and pastry is sure to have something for everyone!


Anna Bar and Patisserie - strudel, pastries

Our patisserie has a long tradition. Our strudel has been declared a local treasure and is in great demand in the surrounding villages. Our cakes are also made according to a unique family recipe. Our constantly renewing range of cakes and pastry is sure to have something for everyone!


"Mother Strawberry", Judit Korbel - jams, syrups, dressings

In 2010, we moved from the big city to the farm near Tiszakécske, where we produce the raw materials for our products. Our rich assortment includes jams, chutneys, vegetable creams, syrups, tea bags, etc. The products involve valuable ingredients of traditional and modern cuisine, thus of quality meals, made without flavour enhancers, flavours, colourings and other artificial substances.


"Mother Strawberry", Judit Korbel - jams, syrups, dressings

In 2010, we moved from the big city to the farm near Tiszakécske, where we produce the raw materials for our products. Our rich assortment includes jams, chutneys, vegetable creams, syrups, tea bags, etc. The products involve valuable ingredients of traditional and modern cuisine, thus of quality meals, made without flavour enhancers, flavours, colourings and other artificial substances.


Mrs József Szabó, "Dairy" Kate

In our family farm we produce almost everything ourselves: besides growing crops, we also keep cows. I partly sell the milk and partly process it: make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and yoghurt. I sell my products on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. at the corner of Zrínyi and Petőfi streets in Lakitelek. It usually sells out quickly! I like to exchange a few words with the people who come to me, and my hobbies often come up: reading and needlework.


Mrs József Szabó, "Dairy" Kate

In our family farm we produce almost everything ourselves: besides growing crops, we also keep cows. I partly sell the milk and partly process it: make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and yoghurt. I sell my products on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m. at the corner of Zrínyi and Petőfi streets in Lakitelek. It usually sells out quickly! I like to exchange a few words with the people who come to me, and my hobbies often come up: reading and needlework.


József Nagy - farmer, winemaker

Together with my father, we have been producing wine from our own grapes for almost 30 years. The varieties we grow are: kékfrankos, rajnai rizling and cserszegi spicy. Every year I compete in various competitions for my wines. In the past, my father and I have achieved several successes in local, wine region and even wine region competitions. At this year's producer wine competition of the Szentkirály-Lakitelek Vineyard Community, I was awarded a special prize, my Rajnai Riesling white wine scored the highest number of points in the producer category in front of the professional jury, thus winning a gold medal, and my Kékfrankos wine came second in the producer category.

Lakitelek, dr. Kiss Ágoston utca 30.
Tel.: 30/2199-635
Pincészet: Tiszaalpár, Árpád tér 8., Váralatti pincesor

József Nagy - farmer, winemaker

Édesapámmal közösen közel 30 éve foglalkozunk saját termesztésű szőlőből termelői bor előállításával. Termesztett fajtáink: kékfrankos, rajnai rizling és cserszegi fűszeres. A boraimat minden évben különböző versenyeken megmérettetem. Több sikert értünk el korábban édesapámmal helyi, borvidéki vagy akár borrégiós versenyeken.

Lakitelek, dr. Kiss Ágoston utca 30.
Tel.: 30/2199-635
Pincészet: Tiszaalpár, Árpád tér 8., Váralatti pincesor

Dominika Kwaysser - Cheese angel
Sajtangyal/ Sajtoldal

Craft dairy is my passion. As well as giving gourmand palates a taste of truly gourmet flavours, I find it a particular challenge to create personalised and occasion-specific, unique cheese boards that are also an aesthetic experience. You can also contact me in English!


Horváth Ildikó - Horváth Family Beekeeping

On the outskirts of Lakitelek, our bees collect honey from a rich bee pasture nearby. They start with rape and spring flowers, then continue with acacia, later on with the really special camphor honey, followed by olive honey, silk needle honey and finally sunflower honey. .
Currently available honey: mixed flower honey (1 kg - 1800 HUF; 0,5 kg - 1000 HUF), rapeseed honey (1 kg - 2000 HUF; 0,5 kg - 1100 HUF), olive honey (1 kg - 2200 HUF), honey of the acacia (1 kg - 2200 HUF; 0,5 kg - 1200 HUF), acacia honey (1 kg - 3000 HUF; 0,5 kg - 1600 HUF), acacia honey with propolis (250 g - 1100 HUF).
Prices are for the year 2022


Horváth Ildikó - Horváth Family Beekeeping

On the outskirts of Lakitelek, our bees collect honey from a rich bee pasture nearby. They start with rape and spring flowers, then continue with acacia, later on with the really special camphor honey, followed by olive honey, silk needle honey and finally sunflower honey. .


Kovács Dóra- quail egg products

In 2006 we started to work with poultry in our family farm by saving breeds. We fell in love with the beneficial physiological effects of quail eggs. In addition to pasta, you can also buy from us really tasty smoked quail eggs marinated in olives and herbs, and taste our special egg spreads. Be careful, you could get addicted!


Kovács Dóra- quail egg products

In 2006 we started to work with poultry in our family farm by saving breeds. We fell in love with the beneficial physiological effects of quail eggs. In addition to pasta, you can also buy from us really tasty smoked quail eggs marinated in olives and herbs, and taste our special egg spreads. Be careful, you could get addicted!


Ditke.vajak - natural ointments, soaps

I regularly visit the area. During my hikes I collect natural treasures and raw materials, which are later used to make tea, buttered soap, pots and pans, detergents. Many people join me on my mushroom tours or foraging trips, and for a few years I have also been leading the Spirit of the Forest tours. I regularly hold workshops for young and old where we make natural creams and products together. I also run eco-courses. If you are interested in my products, my workshops or my tours, please feel free to contact me (+36 70 931 7868, ditke01@gmail.com)


Ditke.vajak - natural ointments, soaps

Rendszeresen járom a környéket. Túráim során gyűjtögetem a természet-adta kincseket, alapanyagokat, amikből később tea, vajákolt szappan, kence, tisztítószer készül. Ökokört is vezetek. Ha felkeltették érdeklődésed a termékeim, foglalkozásaim vagy túráim, keress bátran! (06709317868, ditke01@gmail.com)


Vitabox - Flóravit Ltd., 100% natural juices

We are a small family business, growing apples of different varieties on nearly 30 hectares of land. Our natural juices do not contain any additives such as sugar, preservatives or added water. Because we do not use preservatives, the high quality of the processed fruit is the most important aspect in the production process. Over the years, we have continuously expanded our product list, so that now 13 different VitaBox juices are available for natural product lovers. Our products are: apple juice, filtered apple juice, apple-peach juice, apple-pear juice, apple-sour cherry juice, apple-strawberry juice, apple-pumpkin juice, apple-beet juice, apple-carrot-beet juice, apple-blackcurrant juice, apple- plum juice, apple-apricot juice.
Contact: +36 20 439 4513.


Vitabox - Flóravit Ltd., 100% natural juices

Kisüzemünk számára családi vállalkozásként, közel 30 hektáron termesztjük az alapanyagként szolgáló különböző fajtájú almát. Natúr gyümölcsleveink semmilyen hozzáadott anyagot nem tartalmaznak, így cukrot, tartósítószert és hozzáadott vizet sem. A tartósítószer-mentesség miatt a feldolgozott gyümölcsök kiváló minősége a legfőbb szempont a gyártás folyamán. Az évek során folyamatosan bővítettük a terméklistánkat, így mostanra 13 féle VitaBox gyümölcslevet fogyaszthatnak a natúr termékek kedvelői.
Contact: +36 20 439 4513.


Ferenc Nagy, Krisztina Szugyiczky farmers, vegetable growers

Nowadays we grow our vegetables in 6 foil houses. The vegetables are sold on the local and Kecskemét markets and in the area of our house. We offer: monthly radish, spring onion, lettuce, kohlrabi. In the future we will be able to buy potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, kale and green beans. Our aim is to reflect the dedication, experience and love of work that we strive to represent in our daily activities. We are confident that quality farming has a place in our country!

Tel: +36 30 585 5718

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